
Blended problem based learning (BPBL): opportunities and challenges to be implemented in Malaysian context


One of the key objectives in the National Education Blueprint is to produce students with higher order thinking skills. The concern is raised based on the poor performances of Malaysian students in the international assessments of Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). One of the factors that might contribute to the decline in achievement is the teaching approach applied in Malaysian schools. A revolution in current teaching approach is thus needed. Problem based learning (PBL) is one of the teaching approach being widely implemented and is proven to be beneficial in stimulating students? higher order thinking skills through solving real-world problems. Similarly, the integration of technology during teaching and learning process such as online learning has also been proven to improve students? higher order thinking skill. Based on these foundations, the blended problem based learning (BPBL) that integrates face-to-face PBL and online learning platforms, is believed seems to be an effective teaching approach that can improve PBL and thus enhancing students? higher order thinking skill. This is due to BPBL offers the benefit of both face-to-face PBL and online learning. However, the studies in this area are still insufficient particularly in Malaysian schools? context. Thus, this paper is aimed at discussing on the opportunities and challenges faced in the implementation of BPBL in Malaysian context

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