
Analysis of Economic Crisis and its Effects on Migration between Spain and Switzerland


[Resumo] Os movementos migratorios internacionais son consubstanciais á procura de mellores condicións de vida. Así, desde os países menos desenvolvidos, con conflitos bélicos ou inestabilidade política, xorden fluxos migratorios cara aos países con maior estabilidade política ou máis favorables condicións socioeconómicas. No entanto, nos contextos de crise económica, as condicións diferenciais entre os distintos países vense modificadas e a incerteza aparece como elemento adicional. A emigración de España a Suíza foi relevante en termos cuantitativos na metade do pasado século, e estivo constituída principalmente por man de obra masculina e pouco cualificada. A situación de bonanza económica dos derradeiros anos do século XX e inicios do século XXI modificou o panorama social e económico en España, mais a forte crise económica global iniciada en 2007 mudou o escenario mundial. Neste traballo analízanse os fluxos migratorios entre España e Suíza, facendo especial referencia á emigración galega cara a ese país. Os resultados confirman os efectos da crise no caso analizado.[Abstract] International migration flows are inherent to the search for improving people living conditions; so, these flows usually goes from those less developed countries, or involved in a war or living under political instability, towards countries with a greater political stability or with better socioeconomic conditions. In the context of economic crisis, the differentials between countries conditions become modify and the uncertainty appears as an additional element. The emigration from Spain to Switzerland was important, in quantitative terms in the past half century, and it was mainly shaped by male and low-skilled labour. The economic boom of the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century changed the social and economic landscape in Spain. Anyway, the strong global economic crisis, begun in 2007, changed the world stage. In this paper the migratory flows between Spain and Switzerland are discussed, with special reference to the Galician emigration to that country. The results confirm the effects of the crisis for the analysed case

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