Active Spanning Trees with Bending Energy on Planar Maps and SLE-Decorated Liouville Quantum Gravity for κ> 8


We consider the Peano curve separating a spanning tree from its dual spanning tree on an embedded planar graph, where the tree and dual tree are weighted by yy to the number of active edges, and "active" is in the sense of the Tutte polynomial. When the graph is a portion of the square grid approximating a simply connected domain, it is known (y=1y=1 and y=1+2y=1+\sqrt{2}) or believed (1<y<31<y<3) that the Peano curve converges to a space-filling SLEκ_{\kappa} loop, where y=12cos(4π/κ)y=1-2\cos(4\pi/\kappa), corresponding to 4<κ84<\kappa\leq 8. We argue that the same should hold for 0y<10\le y<1, which corresponds to 8<κ128<\kappa\leq 12

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