Purpose: To describe a model for infusing the generalized empirical method (GEM) into a Schoolwide Core Signature IPE Experience to create a Culture of Inquiry.
Background: As we continue to develop and refine IPE experiential learning opportunities at Seton Hall University amongst the commonality identified across health science professionals is the need to use “inquiry” to promote and develop evidenced based patient-centered care plans.
Creating a culture of inquiry within our IPE experiential learning opportunities is paramount as learning experiences are but an “invitation to an intellectual journey”. Bernard Lonergan who wrote on the “Generalized Empirical Method” (GEM), and self-appropriation suggests that one’s ability to get to know themselves in the deepest sense via true understanding is a means for knowing and understanding all other disciplines. As part of the interprofessional community of learners, educators must promote students intellectual journey with personal effort, involvement, and self-reflection to insure that transformation of one’s self emerges. Armed with deeper insight students can begin to engage in interprofessional dialogues which seeks to disperse academic “silos” for the emergence of a common ground for effective patient-centered care.
This presentation will describe how the GEM was infused into a Schoolwide Core Signature IPE Experience to create a culture of inquiry.
Preliminary Results: Qualitative data from faculty and student focused interviews exploring perceptions of GEM infused IPE Core Signature experience in promoting a culture of inquiry will be shared.
Relevance and Recommendations: Developing rich and meaningful interprofessional learning opportunities is not only paramount for students, but for healthcare professions and the patients they serve. Interprofessional practice environments need insightful inquisitive healthcare professionals to meet the needs of our diverse populations. This model infuses the GEM to support student’s intellectual insight development, self-appropriation and thereby create an IP culture of inquiry.
Upon completion of this presentation participants will be able to: Discuss the underlining tenets associated with GEM used in a Schoolwide Core Signature IPE Experience to create a culture of inquiry Describe options for GEM in their own IPE experiences to promote a culture of inquir