
A novel system to obtain addresses of out-patients-assessent in routine clinic practice in Madras


A novel method of obtaining accurate home addresses from out-patients was introduced as a routine procedure in 6 chest clinics of Madras City, following highly satisfactory results under study conditions. In this method, the patient is given a card (the address card), and asked to get his exact address entered on it by any knowledgeable person of his choice such as a landlord or neighbour. An assessment of the system was undertaken after it had been in operation for about 8 months. A complete and legible address was available for 82 % of 3956 patients, the range in the 6 clinics being 74 % to 91 %. The main causes for failure were : not giving address card to patient (7 %), patient not reattending the clinic (6 %), and patient reattending but not returning the address card (3%). Corrective measures have now been introduced, and a re-assessment will be undertaken in due course

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