
The Pharmacokinetics of ofloxacin, rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinmide when administered alone and in combination


The present study assesses the bioavailability of Ofloxacin (O) following single oral administration of the drug along with Rifampicin (R), or Isoniazid (H), or Pyrazinamide (Z) or a combination of three drugs. Information on the pharmacokinetics of O in the presence of R, H and Z based on the blood concentrations upto 8 hours, on the proportions of the doses of the drugs and their metabolites excreted in urine upto 8 hours and also the effect of O on the other antituberculosis (TB) drugs in terms of absorption and interactions are extensively studied. The bioavailability indices of these drugs are assessed. The investigation was undertaken in a total of 12 male healthy volunteers and each volunteer was investigated on four different occasions at weekly intervals. A partially balanced incomplete block design was employed and the allocation of O or the drug combinations was at random. Plasma concentrations of O, R, H and Z were determined. Urinary excretion of these drugs, together with their primary metabolites was also determined. Various pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated. The results have shown that the bioavailability of O is not impaired when administered with other antituberculosis drugs like R, H and Z and does not exercise any therapeutic penalty. The bioavailability of other anti-TB drugs like R, H and Z does not get affected when administered along with O. Human bioavailability studies, in general, provide direct straightforward information on the degree of absorption and biotransformation of drugs. The results of the present study indicate that the pharmacokinetic properties of O, R, H and Z as assessed after individual and combined administration of these drugs do not get affected or altered. Since there are no interactions among these drugs, the use of 0 in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis is justified

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