
Dangerous Lunar Phases in which Giant Earthquakes Concentrate for Each Subduction Zone Revisited


The authors found dangerous lunar phases in which giant earthquakes, whose moment magnitude is more than or equal to 8, concentrate for each subduction zone and the significance of the dangerous lunar phases was statistically tested. There were however some ambiguities in selection of giant earthquakes and the rules to determine the phases were not strictly defined. In this paper, giant earthquakes were carefully selected again referring to their location on the map and dangerous lunar phases were strictly determined based on the proposed rules. The result for earthquakes whose moment magnitude is more than or equal to 7.5 for Peru and a method to predict the next giant earthquake are also shown.Spring Meeting of MMIJ 2016, Mar. 28-30 2016, Tokyo, Japan(資源・素材学会平成28年度春季大会、2016年3月28日(月)~30日(水)、東京大学本郷キャンパス、東京

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