Wireless Image Transmission in Space


Diplomska naloga temelji na študiji brezžičnega prenosa slike za aplikacije v vesolju. Je prva faza projekta in se osredotoča na izbiro primerne tehnologije in komponent za drugo fazo kjer bo izdelan demonstracijski sistem. V vesoljskih odpravah Evropske vesoljske agencije (ESA) slikovni sistemi pogosto potrebujejo več metrov dolge kable. Kar predstavlja skoraj polovico oz. znaten del teže slikovnega instrumenta. Odvisno od pozicije inštrumenta, grejo lahko povezave skozi sklepe in mehanizme sistema, kar znatno poveča kompleksnost celotnega sistema in zanesljivost. V tej nalogi je sistem zgrajen iz dveh delov. Na eni strani je računalnik s sprejemnikom z programsko opremo, ki predstavlja centralno enoto vesoljskega plovila. Na drugi pa brezžični slikovni sistem z lastnim napajanjem. Oba dela komunicirata preko brezžičnega sistema. WIS je sestavljen iz kamere, brezžičnega modula, mikrokontrolerja in napajalnega dela. Centralna enota mora biti sposobna komunicirati z večjimi WIS.This diploma is based on a study of wireless transmission of pictures for space applications. It is the first phase of the project and is focused on choosing the right technology and components for second phase where a demonstrative system will be built. In space missions of European Space Agency (ESA) cameras usually need long cables, which equals to almost half or a significant part of the weight of the whole system. Dependable on the position of the camera, connections can go trough multiple joints and mechanisms, which significantly increases complexity of the whole system and it\u27s reliability. In this diploma the tested system consists of two parts. On one side there is a PC with WiFi transceiver and software equipment, which represents the central unit of space craft. On the other side there is the wireless imaging system (WIS) with it\u27s own power supply. WIS consists of a camera, wireless module, microcontroller and power supply. Central unit in space craft must be able to communicate with multiple WIS

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