
09:03 a dozen years to make a state go virtual : LIDAR data use for 3D visualisation of the Maltese Islands


Creating a new modus operandi for 3D data analysis that covers an entire state is a endearing task which required considerable funding and the integration of various thematic domains that lent an operational hand to spatial analysis in the Maltese state. An ERDF project taken up in Malta saw the integration of various environmental themes together with the creation of baseline surveys that serve the state as a launching pad for strategic analytical processes. The Malta study comprises the 3D component of the project which enabled the seamless integration of Terrestrial LiDAR, bathymetric LiDAR and bathymetric acoustic scans up to one nautical mile from the baseline coast, The aim of this process was to ensure that the integration of the datasets conformed to the requirements of the EEA (European Environment Agency) dataflow process (2012), the INSPIRE Directive (OJ, 2007), the Aarhus Convention (OJ, 2003a), the Freedom of Information Act (OJ, 2003b) and the Public Sector Information Directive (2003c). In addition, this project aimed to be the first to test the Shared Environment Information System (FORMOSA, SCIBERRAS, FORMOSA PACE, 2013; BORG, FARRUGIA, 2010).peer-reviewe

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