
A contribution to the freshwater macroalgal flora of the Maltese Islands


A number of freshwater macroalgae are recorded for the fIrst time from the Maltese Islands.' These are: Tetrasporidium lundii, Palm ella miniata, Stigeoc!onium tenue, Monostroma bullosum, Spirogyra parvula, Spirogyra cf. occidentalis, Klebsormidium cf:jlaccidum, Tolypella glomerata, Vaucheria geminata, Vaucheria mulleola and Vaucheria verticil/ata. Of these the most biogeographically important are Tetrasporidium lundii which constitutes the fIrst record for Europe and the Mediterranean area and Vaucheria mulleola, which was previously known only from Swedish Lapland.peer-reviewe

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