
A new tool for improved ambulatory care antibiotic stewardship : National Antibiotic Committee prescribing guidelines


There is clear evidence that antimicrobial resistance in local community bacterial strains is increasing with significant patient safety as well as health economic repercussions. This is particularly relevant for Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli. At the same time, surveillance of antibiotic consumption has identified a high level of ambulatory care use compared to other European countries, of which, a considerable proportion seem to be prescribed for tenuous indications. It is therefore critical to improve antibiotic stewardship in community prescribing and dispensing to address this situation. For this reason, the National Antibiotic Committee has just made available, on its website, the first set of National Antibiotic Guidelines for Ambulatory Care Prescribing - formulated on a stringent evidence base and local antimicrobial susceptibility epidemiology.peer-reviewe

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