A Generalisation of Malliavin Weighted Scheme for Fast Computation of the Greeks
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This paper presented a new technique for the simulation of the Greeks (i.e. price sensitivities to parameters), efficient for strongly discontinuous payo¤ options. The use of Malliavin calculus, by means of an integration by parts, enables to shift the differentiation operator from the payo¤ function to the diffusion kernel, introducing a weighting function.(Fournie et al. (1999)). Expressing the weighting function as a Skorohod integral, we show how to characterize the integrand with necessary and sufficient conditions, giving a complete description of weighting function solutions. Interestingly, for adapted process, the Skorohod integral turns to be the classical Ito integral.Monte-Carlo, Quasi-Monte Carlo, Greeks,Malliavin Calculus, Wiener Chaos.