
Research of the Power in the Supply chain


With the recent advent of computer-based communication technologies, communication networks have become an important factor in global interaction. The world in the information age may be described as being connected by a lattice of networks. The analysis of the communication network in the supply chain is one of the major goals in the project currently in research at the Rijeka College of Maritime Studies , Croatia. Network analysis begins with data that describes the set of relationships among the organisations - members of a system. The goal of analysis is to obtain from the low-level relational data a higher-level description of the structure of the system. The higher-level description identifies various kinds of patterns in the set of relationships. These patterns will be based on the way individual organisations are related to other organisations in the network. Some approaches to network analysis look for clusters of firms who are tightly connected to one another; some look for sets of firms who have similar patterns of relations to the rest of the network. The power of each organisation in the network is also calculated and discussedtransaction costs transport corridors electronic commerce

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