
Financing For Life Long Education:For Real GDP Growth In Jamaica


In order for Jamaica to transition from a Developing Country to a Developed Country it will be highly necessary to create a Knowledge based society, the inability to seriously overcome this challenge will mean Jamaica will be in transition to a developed country for an infinite number of years. A lifelong learning framework encompasses learning throughout the lifecycle, from early childhood through retirement. It encompasses formal learning (schools, training institutions, universities); non- formal learning (structured on-the job training); and informal learning (skills learned from family members or people in the community). It allows people to access learning opportunities, as they need them rather than because they have reached a certain age. Lifelong learning in Jamaica is an important policy topic for government. This assumption is based on the impact of additional training on economic growth and on income distribution, particularly in an age when previously acquired knowledge is depreciating faster than before.Government of Jamaica(GOJ), Ministry Of Education,Jamaica,Jamaica teachers association(JTA,Jamaica Union Of tertiary Students(JUTS),UWI Mona Guild Of Students,UTECH Students Union,People National Party(PNP), Jamaica Labour Party(JLP), Private Sector Of Jamaica(PSOJ),Jamaica Employers Fderation(JEF),Jamaica Chamber of Commerce(JCC),Kingston And St Andrew Corporation(KSAC), University Of The West Indies(UWI), University Of Technology(UTECH), Northern caribbean University(NCU),World Bank,Jamaica, International Monetary Fund,Jamaica, Inter-American Development Bank(IDB),Jamaica

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