International audienceURGI is a genomics and bioinformatics research unit at INRA (French National institute for Agricultural Research), dedicated to plants and crop parasites. We develop and maintain a genomic and genetic Information System called GnpIS that manages multiple types of wheat data. Under the umbrella of the IWGSC (International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium), we have set up a Sequence Repository on the Wheat@URGI website to store, browse and query the data being generated by the consortium: The repository holds the wheat physical maps and sequences, especially the gold standard IWGSC reference sequence of all the pseudomolecules. We set-up dedicated tools: a genome browser to display the reference sequence and his incoming annotations. a BLAST server to query the sequence and provide links to browsers. a InterMine datawarehouse to integrate the genomics data with genetics and phenomics data to go beyond