Dept. of Linguistics, South College, University of Massachusetts
Introduction: Tanya Reinhart pioneered and developed a new and very influential approach to the syntax and semantics of anaphora. It originated in Reinhart (1983a, b) and underwent
various later modifications, e.g., Grodzinsky & Reinhart (1993), Heim (1993), Fox (1998,
2000), Reinhart (2000, 2006), Büring (2005). The central innovation concerned the
architecture of the theory. The labor traditionally assigned to Binding Theory was broken
up into two very different modules. One component (the “real” Binding Theory, if you
will) regulates only one type of anaphoric relation, namely variable binding in the sense
of logic. A new and different mechanism, variously thought of as a pragmatic principle,
an economy constraint, and an interface rule, takes care of regulating other semantic
relations, particularly conference. The latter mechanism crucially involves the
construction and comparison of alternative Logical Forms and their meanings