
Vision and Reading Difficulties Part 4: Coloured filters - how do they work?


This article is the fourth in a series of five about vision and reading difficulties. The first article provided a general overview and the second covered conventional optometric correlates of reading difficulties (e.g. binocular vision problems). The present article continues on from the third article by describing the use of coloured filters in treating a condition now known as visual stress. Visual stress is often associated with reading difficulties, but also a variety of other neurological conditions. This article concentrates on the possible mechanisms for the benefit from coloured filters, beginning with obvious peripheral factors. The terminology for this condition has changed over the years (e.g. Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, and Meares-Irlen Syndrome) and the issue of terminology is discussed at the end of this article. Warning: DO NOT LOOK AT FIGURE 6 ON PAGE 33 IF YOU HAVE A MIGRAINE OR EPILEPSY

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