
Spherical functions on the space of pp-adic unitary hermitian matrices


We investigate the space XX of unitary hermitian matrices over \frp-adic fields through spherical functions. First we consider Cartan decomposition of XX, and give precise representatives for fields with odd residual characteristic, i.e., 2\notin \frp. In the latter half we assume odd residual characteristic, and give explicit formulas of typical spherical functions on XX, where Hall-Littlewood symmetric polynomials of type CnC_n appear as a main term, parametrization of all the spherical functions. By spherical Fourier transform, we show the Schwartz space \SKX is a free Hecke algebra \hec-module of rank 2n2^n, where 2n2n is the size of matrices in XX, and give the explicit Plancherel formula on \SKX.Comment: to appear in International Journal of Number Theor

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