
Orbital and asymptotic stability for standing waves of a NLS equation with concentrated nonlinearity in dimension three


We begin to study in this paper orbital and asymptotic stability of standing waves for a model of Schr\"odinger equation with concentrated nonlinearity in dimension three. The nonlinearity is obtained considering a {point} (or contact) interaction with strength α\alpha, which consists of a singular perturbation of the laplacian described by a selfadjoint operator HαH_{\alpha}, where the strength α\alpha depends on the wavefunction: iu˙=Hαui\dot u= H_\alpha u, α=α(u)\alpha=\alpha(u). If qq is the so-called charge of the domain element uu, i.e. the coefficient of its singular part, we let the strength α\alpha depend on uu according to the law α=−ν∣q∣σ\alpha=-\nu|q|^\sigma, with ν>0\nu > 0. This characterizes the model as a focusing NLS with concentrated nonlinearity of power type. For such a model we prove the existence of standing waves of the form u(t)=eiωtΦωu (t)=e^{i\omega t}\Phi_{\omega}, which are orbitally stable in the range σ∈(0,1)\sigma \in (0,1), and orbitally unstable for σ≥1.\sigma \geq 1. Moreover, we show that for σ∈(0,12)\sigma \in (0,\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}) every standing wave is asymptotically stable in the following sense. Choosing initial data close to the stationary state in the energy norm, and belonging to a natural weighted LpL^p space which allows dispersive estimates, the following resolution holds: u(t)=eiω∞tΦω∞+Ut∗ψ∞+r∞,as    t→+∞u(t) = e^{i\omega_{\infty} t} \Phi_{\omega_{\infty}} +U_t*\psi_{\infty} +r_{\infty}, \quad \textrm{as} \;\; t \rightarrow +\infty, where UU is the free Schr\"odinger propagator, ω∞>0\omega_{\infty} > 0 and ψ∞\psi_{\infty}, r∞∈L2(R3)r_{\infty} \in L^2(\R^3) with ∥r∞∥L2=O(t−5/4)as    t→+∞\| r_{\infty} \|_{L^2} = O(t^{-5/4}) \quad \textrm{as} \;\; t \rightarrow +\infty. Notice that in the present model the admitted nonlinearity for which asymptotic stability of solitons is proved is subcritical.Comment: Comments and clarifications added; several misprints correcte

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