Solar neutrino physics below 2 MeV with Juno


The Juno observatory, currently under construction in Jiangmen (China), is a 20 kt liquid scintillator detector. Thanks to the large fiducial volume, and thus the high statistics collectable, and excellent energy resolution, it represents a compelling opportunity for the detection of solar neutrinos. In order to be able to extract solar neutrino fluxes once data taking has started, a multivariate fitting strategy will be adopted to disentangle neutrino signals from backgrounds present in the detector. The key steps of the analysis is the estimation of signal and background rates and Monte Carlo PDF production including detector response function. The main aspects used to produce such distributions and their exploitation within the fitting procedure are explained in the following presentation. Depending on the level of contaminants within the detector, it will be possible to extract neutrino fluxes more accurately. For this reason, sensitivity studies conducted under varying background scenarios are presented

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