Particle production in AgAg collisions at EKin_{Kin} = 1.58 A GeV within a hadronic transport approach


Heavy-ion collisions at low beam energies explore the high density regime of strongly interacting matter. The dynamical evolution of these collisions can be successfully described by hadronic transport approaches. In March 2019, the HADES Collaboration took data for AgAg collisions at EKin=1.58AGeV, and in this work we provide predictions for particle production and spectra within the Simulating Many Accelerated Strongly interacting Hadrons (smash) approach. The multiplicities and spectra of strange and nonstrange particles follow the expected trends as a function of system size. In particular, in ArKCl (and pNb) collisions, much higher yields of double-strange baryons were observed experimentally than expected from a thermal model. Therefore, we incorporate a previously suggested mechanism to produce Ξ baryons via rare decays of high mass N* resonances and predict the multiplicities. In addition, we predict the invariant mass spectrum for dilepton emission and explore the most important sources of dileptons above 1 GeV, that are expected to indicate the temperature of the medium. Interestingly, the overall dilepton emission is very similar to the one in AuAu collisions at 1.23AGeV, a hint that the smaller system at a higher energy behaves very similarly to the larger system at lower beam energy

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