
Simplified modelling of air source heat pumps producing detailed results


Created by the Building Research Establishment (BRE), the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) is the UK Government‟s recommended method of assessing the energy ratings of dwellings. Modelling future complex dwellings, and their servicing systems, will require a more advanced calculation which is as simple as SAP to use but can produce more detailed results. This paper extends a novel advanced dynamic calculation method (IDEAS – Inverse Dynamics based Energy Analysis and Simulation) of assessing the controllability of a building and its servicing systems. IDEAS produces SAP compliant results and allows confident (i.e. calibrated in SAP) predictions to be made regarding the impact of novel heating and renewable energy systems. This paper describes the addition of an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) model to IDEAS. This allows for detailed analysis to be made of ASHPs in a SAP compliant framework. The benefits of using the IDEAS method is highlighted with capabilities outwith the scope of SAP also possible. For example, IDEAS can be used as sizing tool for a heating system in a building

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