

本研究の目的は,本学を卒業した新人看護師の看護実践上の困難から,今後基礎教育で強化が必要な課題を明らかにすることである.2005年に筆者らの研究^で抽出された「専門知識の不足・経験不足による援助技術実施困難」「専門知識・経験不足で予測ができないことによる危険の誘発」「ケア提供の未熟さによる自己への否定的評価」「多様な患者との人間関係形成過程での緊張」「職場の人間関係形成過程・サポート体制へのとまどい・緊張」「ケアの効果の確認,問題解決行動の自己効力感の獲得」の6つのコアカテゴリと新人看護師が強化希望する内容との関係を検討した結果,(1)基礎看護技術の演習の強化,(2)臨地実習において看護学生が行う基本的な看護技術の水準に基づき各領域毎に実習施設側との連携の強化と体験の強化,(3)実習開始前の事例を用いた技術統合演習の実施,(4)卒業前の技術トレーニング・医療安全教育の実施,(5)個々の学生に学習の動機付け・環境整備(対人関係を含む)の必要性が示唆された.The purpose of this study is to identify the issues that must be emphasized in future fundamental education by investigating the difficulties in nursing practice encountered by freshman nurses who graduated from this college. We examined the correlation between issues that freshman nurses wanted to be emphasized in the nursing education and the following 6 categories were derived from the previous study conducted by the author and others in 2005 : [Difficulties involving with assistant skills due to lack of technical knowledge and experiences], [Induction of danger due to lack of technical knowledge and experience (inability to predict danger)], [Negative self evaluation resulted from immature skills for providing cares], [Stress induced by forming relationship with (ethnically, culturally, etc)diverse patients], [Confusion, embarrassment or stress from person to person relationship in the working place and supporting system] and [Confirmation on effects resulted from care], obtainment of self-efficacy developed by problem-solving behavior. The result of this study suggests the necessity of following educational challenges; (1) To emphasize fundamental nursing skill practice, (2) To strengthen the cooperation with each clinical facilities where nursing practice is taken place and emphasize the experiences to be acquired by students in the clinical setting according to the standard of basic nursing technique, (3) To implement practice including techniques that were applied to deal with the cases occurred before initiation of clinical practice, (4) To implement technical training and medical safety education before graduation, (5) To motivate individual student to learn, to improve environment (including interpersonal relationship

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