Synchronic rhynopharyngeal and gingival carcinoma


We present a case of a 38-year-old male who presented recurrent otitis media, maxillary gingival ulceration and no lateral cervical lymph nodes. Admission signs and symptoms: right: mild conductive hearing loss, trigeminal V2 nerve anaesthesia, ear tinnitus, hypoglossal nerve paralysis, minor maxillary gingival ulceration, Claude Bernard Horner's syndrome. A non-homogenous mass of 4.5/5.3/5.6 cm from the level of the right rhinopharyngeal wall, extending in the right parapharyngeal space, invading the right middle cranial fossa was visible on cranial contrast enhanced CT scan. Contrast enhanced cranial MRI revealed a rhino- and parapharyngeal mass of 4.5/5.3/5.6 cm with intracerebral extension in the right cavernous sinus, right internal carotid artery engulfed by the tumor mass with partial compression. Lymph node masses of 0.7/1.2cm were also revealed.Rhinopharyngeal and gingival biopsy, right tympanotomy were performed.Routine histological technique was performed and subsequent immunohistochemical reactions for pan-cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and leucocytes common antigen were used, showing that malignant tumor cells had a syncytial pattern of growth in a background of small lymphocytes for the rhynopharyngeal biopsy. Cellular dysmorphias, well-differentiated stratified squamous epithelial cells with deep bulbous ridges and also parakeratin invaginations were visible on the gingival biopsy. The positivity of tumor cells for pan-cytokeratin established the final diagnosis of non-keratinizing undifferentiated carcinoma of the rhynopharinx and Keratins (10-16), MNP 2, 9; VEGF, KI67, P53 confirmed the verrucous cell carcinoma of the maxillary mucosa.The age of onset, the signs and symptoms and minimum lymph node involvement represent the particularities of this case.Der Erstautor gibt keinen Interessenkonflikt an

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