Hypopharyngeal tumors-SCC - case presentation


Hypopharyngeal carcinoma is relatively uncommon representing only 10% of all proximal aerodigestive track malignancies. Unfortunately hypopharyngeal tumours produce few symptoms until they are advanced. Treatment of hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma usually involves surgical resection and/or chemo-radiotherapy. We are presenting a case MW, 68 years old 0+, ex smoker and alcohol abuse, with a 5 weeks history of dysphagia and haematemasis. Patient was diagnosed with Hypopharingeal SCC and treated surgicaly-ENT and oncologicaly. Squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx carries the worst prognosis of any SCC of the upper aerodigestive tract of the head and neck both because it often presents with advanced disease. Even when prognosis is corrected for stage, hypopharyngeal cancers continue to have poor outcomes.Der Erstautor gibt keinen Interessenkonflikt an

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