Analýza těžitelnosti hornin a typu předkvartérního podkladu ve vybrané oblasti Ostravské aglomerace pomocí geografických informačních systémů


needs of land use planning, state administration, building offices, developers, etc. is an analysis of new possibilities of providing reference information on the engineering-geological conditions by means of geographic information systems. The study in the presented paper deals with an evaluation of two geofactors. They are the character of rocks workability and Pre-quaternary bedrock. Workability is a significant limiting factor, which affects the used technology and financial demands of earth work. Especially in case of demanding constructions, the Pre-quaternary bedrock is a geological environment which will have to be interacted with and must be taken into account during selecting engineering foundation. The overall project was divided into five model areas (1-5), while this paper evaluates a partial model area of no. 1, which is defined by topographical map in drawing scale 1:10 1000 (topographic sheet No. 15-43-10). Namely they are Slezské, Moravské Ostravy, Vítkovic a Radvanice. The mentioned methodology was applied in the interest area for the first time

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