Enhancement of peritoneal dialysis clearance with docusate sodium


A study was done in rabbits to determine the effect of docusate sodium (DSS) on the peritoneal clearance of creatinine and urea. Following a series of control exchanges with a commercially available peritoneal dialysis solution, three animals in each of four groups received DSS (0.005%, 0.01%, 0.02%, or 0.04%) in a single exchange, followed by 10 subsequent exchanges of control fluid. Creatinine and urea clearances were measured for each exchange. Comparison of post-DSS clearances (exchanges 5 through 15) with pre-DSS baseline values (exchanges 1 through 4) showed a mean percent increase in creatinine clearance that was proportional to the concentration and ranged from 74% to 244% above baseline. Similarly, urea clearance increased by 79 to 166%. The effect on both creatinine and urea clearance persisted through the completion of the dialysis procedure. No animals showed signs of toxicity from DSS. The mechanism of the DSS effect on clearance is unknown. Although studies are needed to delineate the mechanism of the effect and to identify potential toxic effects, the results of this study indicate that DSS has a significant effect on clearance of both creatinine and urea

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