Temporal response of an injectable calcium phosphate material in a critical size defect


BACKGROUND: Calcium phosphate-based bone graft substitutes are used to facilitate healing in bony defects caused by trauma or created during surgery. Here, we present an injectable calcium phosphate-based bone void filler that has been purposefully formulated with hyaluronic acid to offer a longer working time for ease of injection into bony defects that are difficult to access during minimally invasive surgery. METHODS: The bone substitute material deliverability and physical properties were characterized, and in vivo response was evaluated in a critical size distal femur defect in skeletally mature rabbits to 26 weeks. The interface with the host bone, implant degradation, and resorption were assessed with time. RESULTS: The calcium phosphate bone substitute material could be injected as a paste within the working time window of 7-18 min, and then self-cured at body temperature within 10 min. The material reached a maximum ultimate compressive strength of 8.20 +/- 0.95 MPa, similar to trabecular bone. The material was found to be biocompatible and osteoconductive in vivo out to 26 weeks, with new bone formation and normal bone architecture observed at 6 weeks, as demonstrated by histological evaluation, microcomputed tomography, and radiographic evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: These findings show that the material properties and performance are well suited for minimally invasive percutaneous delivery applications

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