Graphic Medicine in the Library: An Educational Outreach Program


Objectives: Graphic medicine refers to the discourse of healthcare by way of the medium of comics and is a growing field with far-reaching impact. The objective of this outreach program was to provide educational opportunity to librarians on building graphic medicine collections and the creation of related programming.Methods: The outreach program proceeded on several fronts over the course of a six-month period, beginning with a two-part webinar series targeted to librarians both in-and-out of the region. These webinars sought to provide background information on graphic medicine, materials to aid with collection development, including key title lists, and serve as brainstorming opportunities for programming, including potential partners. At the same time, outreach was conducted with libraries in the local region, seeking to build community ties and support for the creation of new collections and programming. The program, in this iteration, concluded by creating a series of book club kits, that target specific medical conditions and include graphic novels, suggested questions, further readings, and more. These kits are available to regional groups for borrowing, including libraries who may find them valuable as a trial before building a new collection

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