A Hybrid Droplet Vaporization-Chemical Surrogate Approach for Emulating Vaporization, Physical Properties, and Chemical Combustion Behavior of Multicomponent Fuels


The complex nature of multicomponent aviation fuels presents a daunting task for accurately simulating combustion behavior without incurring impractical computational costs. To reduce computation time, chemical fuel surrogates comprised of only a few species are used to emulate the combustion of complex pre-vaporized fuels. These surrogates are often unable to match the vaporization behavior and physical properties of the real fuel and fail to capture the effect of preferential vaporization on combustion behavior. Therefore, a computationally efficient, hybrid droplet vaporization-chemical surrogate approach has been developed which emulates both the physical and chemical properties of a multicomponent kerosene fuel. The droplet vaporization/physical portion of the hybrid uses the Coupled Algebraic–Direct Quadrature Method of Moments with delumping to accurately solve for the evolution of every discrete species in a vaporizing fuel droplet with the computational efficiency of a continuous thermodynamic model. The chemical surrogate portion of the hybrid is linked to the vaporization model using a functional group matching method, which creates an instantaneous surrogate composition to match the distribution of chemical functional groups (CH2, (CH2)n, CH3 and Benzyl-type) in the vaporization flux of the full fuel. The result is a hybrid method which can accurately and efficiently predict time-dependent, distillation-resolved combustion property targets of the vaporizing fuel and can be used to investigate the effects of preferential vaporization on combustion behavior

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