
Public Perceptions of the Midwest’s Pavements - Iowa - Phase III


There are several objectives to this report. The first objective is to describe the sample with regard to the physical pavement data and three measures of driver satisfaction. In this section, the proportion of respondents who are satisfied with pavements on two-lane, rural, state highways will be examined and the distribution of pavement condition and roughness indices will be presented. The second objective will be a short description of the highway segments and any differences in satisfaction found between regions and pavement types. This was done in Phase II in each state and a letter sent showing the results in all three states. That letter sets forth the revised work plan and budget for Phase III of the project. The third objective is to describe the relationship between physical pavement characteristics and driver satisfaction. This will include a description of both the magnitude of relationship as well as identifying critical International Road Index (IRI) and Pavement Condition Index (PCI) cutoffs where a majority of the sample were satisfied. This will be done for comparative purposes with the Phase II approach, using the total sample to compute cumulative percentages responding to each of the three series of satisfaction questions

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