
Marketing an Established Institutional Repository: Marquette Libraries\u27 Research Stewardship Survey [poster presentation]


This poster illustrates the planning of a strategic marketing campaign for Marquette University\u27s institutional repository, E-Publications@Marquette. The IR was established in 2008 for the deposit of theses and dissertations and has expanded to include faculty publications and research. Despite active participation by some faculty, universal participation remains an elusive goal. The Coordinators of Digital Programs and Marketing and Outreach collaborated to better promote the services and capabilities of the IR. This process involved the identification of faculty participation and needs as well as an assessment of the IR’s capabilities in addressing those needs. Faculty participation was identified through the faculty permissions database, providing an accurate number of faculty contributors. A needs assessment survey was sent to Marquette University faculty, identifying areas of potential growth. Consideration was given to the IR’s ability to meet the identified needs. Equipment, staffing, software, and other resources were evaluated. Based upon the assessment survey and the IR’s available resources, planning for a promotional plan and the evaluation of its effectiveness can then occur

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