
In Vitro Demonstration of Delayed Hypersensitivity in Patients with Berylliosis


To clarify immunopathological mechanisms in granulomatous hypersensitivity (GHR) to beryllium (Be), migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was assayed. Blood lymphocytes from three patients with GHR to Be and two normal persons were isolated and cultured with and without BeO or other antigens. Cell-free supernatants removed daily were dialyzed, lyophilized and assayed for MIF by measuring the area of migration of normal guinea pig peritoneal exudate cells out of capillary tubes within 24 hours after exposure to the supernatant. BeO added to sensitized lymphocytes produced supernatant that decreased migration, in contrast to supernatant from non-sensitized lymphocytes, indicating that BeO-sensitized lymphocytes cultured with Be elaborate a soluble factor, MIF, which correlates with delayed hypersensitivity and may play a role in granuloma formation. It may also prove useful in diagnosis of berylliosis

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