
Snatch trajectory of elite level girevoy (Kettlebell) sport athletes and its implications to strength and conditioning coaching


Girevoy sport (GS) has developed only recently in the West, resulting in a paucity of English scientific literature available. The aim was to document kettlebell trajectory of GS athletes performing the kettlebell snatch. Four elite GS athletes (age = 29-47 years, body mass = 68.3-108.1 kg, height 1.72-1.89 m) completed one set of 16 repetitions with a 32.1 kg kettlebell. Trajectory was captured with the VICON motion analysis system (250 Hz) and analysed with VICON Nexus (1.7.1). The kettlebell followed a ‘C’ shape trajectory in the sagittal plane. Mean peak velocity in the upwards phase was 4.03 ± 0.20 m s –1, compared to 3.70 ± 0.30 m s–1 during the downwards phase, and mean radial error across the sagittal and frontal planes was 0.022 ± 0.006 m. Low error in the movement suggests consistent trajectory is important to reduce extraneous movement and improve efficiency. While the kettlebell snatch and swing both require large anterior-posterior motion, the snatch requires the kettlebell to be held stationary overhead. Therefore, a different coaching application is required to that of a barbell snatch

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