
Obrechkoff versus super-implicit methods for the solution of first- and second-order initial value problems


AbstractThis paper discusses the numerical solution of first-order initial value problems and a special class of second-order ones (those not containing first derivative). Two classes of methods are discussed, super-implicit and Obrechkoff. We will show equivalence of super-implicit and Obrechkoff schemes. The advantage of Obrechkoff methods is that they are high-order one-step methods and thus will not require additional starting values. On the other hand, they will require higher derivatives of the right-hand side. In case the right-hand side is complex, we may prefer super-implicit methods. The disadvantage of super-implicit methods is that they, in general, have a larger error constant. To get the same error constant we require one or more extra future values. We can use these extra values to increase the order of the method instead of decreasing the error constant. One numerical example shows that the super-implicit methods are more accurate than the Obrechkoff schemes of the same order

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