
Interaction synergetics mining with rock massif


Purpose. To find out the physical essence of the phenomenon of zonal disintegration of rocks around underground workings. Methods. The main types of research adopted a synergistic methodological search and analysis of open thermodynamic systems in a unbalanced condition. Findings. The physical essence of the phenomenon of zonal disintegration of rocks around underground workings as a phenomenon of zonal encapsulation by an array of underground workings is detected. The processes of formation of energy fields during the formation of protective capsules around underground workings are described. The principal approaches to the management of natural factors and the procedure for their use in underground mining technologies are proposed. Originality. Underground digging call forth sine wave oscillations in energy gradients, forming a safety relief, which consists of a system of ring energy zones, the number of which increases with increasing depth and decreasing rock strength. Practical implications. The deployment of the physical essence of zonal ensheath by an array of underground diggings made it possible to create prerequisites for describing the processes and using the laws that form this phenomenal phenomenon

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