Methods effectiveness evaluation of investment projects of innovation in public-private partnership


Particular importance for enhancing innovation policy development takes cooperation of the state and the private sector in the choice of priorities of innovation development. The author proposed the method of evaluating the effectiveness of investment in innovative development projects based on bipolar approach to the interaction of corporate triangle within a cluster based on the type of public-private partnerships. Using of this approach, unlike the current will form an effective and efficient innovation infrastructure in Ukraine to actively develop innovation activity and boost the innovation potential at regional level to attract investment and access international markets. Formation of methods of evaluating the investment effectiveness of ranking innovation projects in the innovative development of the formed triad of the interaction cluster between public, private and high-tech sectors. Complex analysis (to study the components and prerequisites for implementation of the innovation policy of Ukraine), comparative, economic and mathematical analysis (to identify the problems and peculiarities of implementation of regulatory innovation policy of Ukraine), structural, cluster analysis (to develop measures to improve the innovation policy of Ukraine). Formed the ways of activation of innovative development policy of the format of public-private partnership based on the choice of innovation development priorities. Proposed the methodology of evaluating the investment effectiveness of ranking innovation projects in the innovative development of the formed triad of the interaction cluster between public, private and high-tech sectors aimed at selection of optimal investment options based on a combination of key criteria

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