
Simulation based comparative analysis of manet routing protocols using multiple traffic types


Ad hoc networks are self-configuring self-healing, self-managing and self-forming networks. If two or more parties want to communicate with each other with in radio range there is no need of any centralized node like conventional client server architecture. In ad hoc network each node has two roles at the same time, host and router. Nodes can communicate with each other if they are directly in range either other nodes help to communicate by forwarding packet from source to destination. Wireless routing is much difficult as compared to wired. Error correction and detection, channel access, hidden and exposed terminal problem, limited bandwidth, fading, mobility of nodes, weather problems etc. all things are big challenges in wireless routing. This paper is on behavioral analysis of ad hoc network routing protocols on different metrics by using OPNET Modeler Educational version. The metrics used are throughput, delay, load etc. while using different traffic types e.g. Video, Email, HTTP, FTP etc. Results showed that OLSR worked the best under the created scenarios

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