Female Writer's Maternal Family Writing in Taiwan


朱云霞,文学博士,中国矿业大学文学与法政学院讲师,主要从事台湾文学研究、女性文学研究。徐学,厦门大学台湾研究院教授,主要致力于现当代文学、海外华文文学、台湾文学研究。【中文摘要】近年来,台湾女作家的家族书写渐趋成为热点,论文通过分析代表性文本,探讨女性家史书写如何发现沉默的女性为其代言发声,展现母亲们在何种语境中成为独立的自我,作为女儿的“我”如何通过母系的历史寻找自我并进一步辩证思考母亲、父亲在家族中的位置,系统杭理女作家建构母系家史的方式及写作特征,有助于思考台湾女性书写的整体面貌。 【Abstract】In recent years,female writer's family writing gradually become a hot spot in Taiwan. This paper illustrates the female writer's family writing how explore and restore the image of the silent mothers, in their works the process of mothers to be themselves is be reproduced with Feminist opinion. The female writers seek the way to construct women's subjectivity and have a dialogue between paternal and maternal in the family by writing family. Study the way and the writing of women writers construct matrilineal family history feature, can help to think about the overall condition of female writing in Taiwan.本文系江苏省哲学社会科学规划项目“台湾文学中的家族书写研究”阶段性成果,项目编号 15ZWC005

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