
A Review of the 4th Forum on Regional Cooperation in the South China Sea——the Symposium on Cross-Strait Cooperation in the South China Sea


张琳萍,厦门大学南海研究院硕士研究生。【中文摘要】2016 年10 月15 日,由厦门大学南海研究院与海南省国际文化 交流中心、海南省南海政策与法律研究中心联合主办的“第四届南海区域合作论 坛暨海峡两岸在南海的合作研讨会”在海南省陵水县成功举办。来自台湾大学、“中 央研究院”、中山大学、海洋大学、政治大学等台湾高校及科研机构的著名学者以 及渔业界的知名业者,以及来自大陆社科院、海南大学、山东大学、西北政法大学、 厦门大学、中国现代国际关系研究院等30余位专家、学者,围绕海峡两岸在南海 进行合作的主旨,就南海诸岛的史料、南海海域及岛屿法律地位、南海渔业管理、 海洋环境保护及南海博弈中的中美日关系以及台湾的角色等议题进行了深入的讨 论。本文为此次研讨会的会议综述。 【Abstract】On 15 October 2016, the 4th Forum on Regional Cooperation in the South China Sea – the Symposium on Cross-Strait Cooperation in the South China Sea, was successfully co-hosted by South China Sea Institute of Xiamen University, Hainan International Culture Exchange Center, and Hainan Provincial Research Center for Policy and Law of the South China Sea in Lingshui, Hainan. More than 30 people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait attended the symposium, including well-known scholars from Taiwan University, “Academia Sinica”, Sun Yat-Sen University (Kaohsiung Taiwan), Taiwan Ocean University and Chengchi University, practitioners in Taiwan’s fishery industry, and experts and scholars from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Hainan University, Shandong University, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xiamen University and China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations. With the purport of cross-Strait cooperation in the South China Sea (SCS) in mind, the participants conducted in- depth discussions on the following aspects: historical records and data in respect of the SCS islands, legal status of the SCS waters and islands, fishery management in the SCS, marine environmental protection, the relationship between China, the U.S. and Japan in the SCS game and the role Taiwan plays in this game. Given the significance of this symposium, the author attempts to write a review for it

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