A Critical Study of the Traditional Ethics of Female Family Roles


蒋颖荣,云南大学哲学系副教授,主要研究方向为中国伦理思想和民族伦理学。叶文振,福建江夏学院副校长、教授、博士生导师,福建省妇女理论研究会会长,主要研究方向为女性社会学和人口学。【中文摘要】血缘关系和两性性别关系是人类永恒和本真的情感形态,是家庭伦理得以生长和发展的本源,从而赋予了家庭伦理浓厚的亲情性。母亲、女儿、妻子是女性在现实的家庭生活实践中扮演的贯穿其整个生命周期的角色,这一角色在“以名定责”的中国传统伦理模式之下,被赋予慈母、孝女、贤妻的道德期待、道德要求和道德责任,并通过“以礼正名”的伦理实现路径维护了家庭的和谐稳定。在女性社会交往节点日益增加、社会性别意识不断强化、男女平等理念持续提升的当下,理性地审视女性家庭角色的传统伦理,批判地吸收传统家庭角色伦理的合理内核,赋予其与时代要求相适应的内容与形式,对和谐美好家庭的构建、对女性的自我发展与完善、对男女平等在真正意义上的实现都有着积极重要的意义。 【Abstract】Both gender and blood relations are the eternal and original forms of human emotion, as well as the source of family ethic, with a result that the latter is endowed with a distinct character of relatives. In her whole life,a woman functions as a mother, a daughter and a wife. Especially within the traditional Chinese ethical framework of “duty according with name” ,she is further expected to be a loving mother, a filial daughter and a good wife. By means of so-called “rectification of names according to propriety”, the aforesaid ethical roles of woman contribute to the harmony and stability of a family. In consideration of such facts in modern society as the increasing of female social communication,the growing of gender awareness,and the pervading of the idea of gender equality, I suggest that traditional view of woman's ethical roles in a family should be adjusted in both form and content to our times. And I believe that such a critically renewed model of traditional ethics will be significant for the constructing of harmonious families,for the self-development and self-perfection of women,and for the actualization the equality of the genders

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