
Enhancing the effectiveness of medical device incident reporting: final report of the EU pilot on the manufacturer incident reporting form (MIR form)


Aim of the report This report provides a final assessment by DG JRC of the 'EU MIR form pilot' project, concerning the use of nomenclature for manufacturer incident reporting. The purpose of this analysis is to exploit the submitted data in view of addressing the following key questions: 1. Is reporting of adverse events using nomenclature feasible and helpful? 2. Are existing nomenclatures relating to device problems and evaluations of causes adequate? 3. Is there a need for introducing new terms, e.g. to cover novel technologies? 4. What are the lessons learned from the pilot study in terms of international harmonisation of nomenclatures (IMDRF) and development of future reporting tools (e.g. EUDAMED)? Key findings This report focuses on the use of adverse 'event-type' and 'evaluation' terms which relate to problems with the medical device. The device-related terms were used in a 'Manufacturer Incident Report' form, which was designed for the pilot study, and was called the MIR pilot form. 786 forms, which were submitted by 13 manufacturers reporting from 15 European countries, were analysed. Concerning nomenclature usage, the report analyses whether incidents were reported adequately using (1) existing nomenclature (ISO/TS 19218), (2) newly introduced nomenclature (EDMA's IVD-related terms), and (3) newly proposed terms (by the participating manufacturers of the pilot study). The analysis has shown a number of important issues which concern five main topics: 1. Pilot data relate to approx. 50% of device categories on the market Due to voluntary participation, the submitted MIR pilot forms reflect only a certain proportion of medical devices on the market. This needs to be considered when interpreting and using the pilot data. 2. No participation of SMEs in the pilot project Additional bias may be due to (1) the absence of SME participation; and (2) a single manufacturer submitting >60% of the total number of forms (bias towards a particular device category). 3. Adequacy of term selection by manufacturers We assessed the adequacy of term use by comparing textual incident descriptions with the categorised terms chosen by reporters. It was based on a set of 100 randomly selected pilot forms representative of the pilot's overall device portfolio. Both, the event-type and evaluation terms chosen by manufacturers for reporting incidents were largely adequate. Moreover, the analysis shows that three choices per level to describe the incident (event-type terms) or final investigation (evaluation terms) appear sufficient. 4. Available terminology (ISO/TS 19218) is not fully adequate On the basis of the frequency of some proposed terms it appears that the existing ISO/TS 19218 terms are overall not sufficient. This is not surprising given the fact that the terms were derived from FDA's terminology in 2005 and have, since then, not been updated. To resolve the most frequently encountered issues in the analysis, the JRC has proposed several changes to terms used (cf. Fig. 18-24). 5. Proposals for new terms by manufacturers ISO/TS 19218 uses a 2-level hierarchical coding structure for reporting adverse events. Though the pilot study allowed for new proposals at these levels (level 1, 2), it was particularly designed for new proposals at an additional more granular third level. In line with this is the observation that the majority of new terms proposed concern level three terms. The analysis also showed that, although selection of existing terms was overall adequate, many of the new terms proposed by manufacturers are either redundant or do not reflect device problems but are, in fact, patient outcome terms. This clearly shows a need for reporters to have a better understanding of the terms and the reporting form used. Some of the confusion may stem from the simple fact that ISO's medical device problem terminology is called "Adverse Event Terms", i.e. seemingly suggesting that this nomenclature should be used to report adversity, i.e. clinical phenomena at patient / user level. In cases where level one event-type terms have been proposed, these related mainly (>80%) to the orthopaedic device category (cf. Fig. 13). It therefore appears that there is a need for a more elaborate nomenclature in this device category. Proposed terms that were deemed valid when compared with ISO/TS 19218 were subsequently compared with FDA's terms for device problems. This led to the identification of a number of proposed terms that could be proposed for incorporation into ongoing efforts in the development of a globally used nomenclature in the context of the work of the Adverse Event Terminology Working Group of IMDRF. EDMA has proposed new terms to cover specific needs of reporting incidents with in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs). These were meant to complement the ISO/TS 19218 terms, and several of them have been used in the submissions. A closer look at the definitions of some of EDMA's terms does, however, show that they would need to be revised, for example four terms (corresponding to level 2) have identical definitions adding unnecessary ambiguity to their use. The report also provides in Annex I a summary of agreements reached during the workshop and topics that remain to be addressed when developing future tools for incident reporting including concerns voiced by stakeholders. Annex I also considers additional reflections made after the workshop and provides, as a synthesis, key recommendations for a way forward. In summary, this report shows that the outcome of the 'EU MIR form pilot' project has proven to be extremely useful for three reasons. 1. It confirmed the general feasibility of categorised reporting of incidents by manufacturers. 2. It identified inadequacies of the existing ISO/TS 19218 nomenclature suggesting the need for increased efforts into the development of freely available, scientifically and technically satisfying and, from a regulatory and end-user point of view, adequate nomenclature for adverse event reporting of incidents and events also in the pre-market space. 3. It led to the proposal of several potentially useful terms in view of future developments of nomenclature for incident / adverse event reporting.JRC.F.2-Consumer Products Safet

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