
Human centred design: a paradigm for 21st century enterprise


This seminar was delivered on 7th March 2012 by Professor Joseph Giacomin, Director of the Human Centred Design Institute (HCDI) based in the Department of Design in the School of Engineering and Design at Brunel University. The Institute is renowned for performing research leading to products, systems and services which are physically, perceptually, cognitively and emotionally intuitive to their users. Professor Giacomin has participated in numerous EU and UK research projects and has produced more than 60 publications. More recently he has published his book Thermal - seeing the world through 21st century eyes. Joseph Giacomin is a member of the editorial boards of Ergonomics in Design, Ergonomics, and the International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration (IJVNV). He is a Fellow of the UK Ergonomics Society (FErgS), a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA), a member of the Associazione Per Il Disegno Industriale (ADI) and of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS).HCDI is a University Research Centre (URC) that brings together expertise in Human-centred Design which combines methodologies and technologies from design, engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence and philosophy. Human-centred Design leads to machines, systems and products which are physically, cognitively and emotionally intuitive to their users. The Human Centre Design seminar series are events designed to encourage communication and teamwork with colleagues across the university and experts leaders in human-centred related topics.The 21st century is characterised by ever growing expectations regarding experiences, quality of life, privacy and ethics. With the growing pressure for human centred products, systems and services, the activity of design has taken centre stage in most customer driven innovation. Having been often described as the "century of the human mind", the current period is rich in new products, systems and services which are characterised by interactivity, intelligence, agency and emotion. This seminar will define the paradigm of human centred design, an approach which is being followed by ever greater numbers of businesses. The multidisciplinary paradigm will be defined in comparison to the main competing paradigms of technology-driven design and sustainable design, the business implications will be discussed and application examples will be provided. Key areas for HCD research are also identified

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