
Hydrogeochemical observations to improve site characterisation and remediation of Frongoch Mine, Wales


This report, commissioned by the Environmental Agency, presents a review of the hydrogeochemistry of the Frongoch Mine, an abandoned metal mine 17 km south east of Aberystwyth, Ceridigion, mid Wales. The mine produced lead and zinc ore from 1798 until its closure in 1904. The abandoned mine spoils and mine adit discharges cause severe adverse impacts on the receiving watercourses, the major contaminants being Zn and Pb. The main objectives of the study were to: 1. Present EA and BGS water monitoring data collected from 2003 to 2011 to provide a basis for documenting the likely effects of future remedial actions on Zn and Pb concentrations. 2. Evaluate the effects of the stream diversion upstream of the Frongoch mine tailings area on flow, metal concentrations and loads of the waters impacted by the mine discharges. 3. Use mass balances for quantifying source loadings with particular regards to the Frongoch Stream, immediately downstream the mine waste area. 4. Constrain the hydrogeochemical framework, based on the available flow monitoring data, chemistry and rainfall data. The EA monitoring sites include the two main mine water issues, respectively, the mine water discharge at the Frongoch Adit portal (Frongoch Adit) and the tailings lagoon discharges via a culvert to the stream adjacent the area of mine spoils, referred to as the Frongoch Stream; upstream monitoring sites; surface water from the mine spoil area; and the Nant Cwmnewydion and Nant Cell, both tributaries of the Afon Ystwyth and both watercourses impacted by Frongoch Mine

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