German Survey on Volunteering - Deutscher Freiwilligensurvey (FWS) 2014: survey instrument - English version


The instrument for the telephone survey of the German Survey on Volunteering 2014 was developed by the German Centre of Gerontology. This documentation contains the English version of the questions, the answer categories, the programming instructions and the filter paths (see Table I for the columns structure of the instrument). Questions are documented according to the labels of the variables in the Scientific Use Files (DOI: 10.5156/FWS.2014.M.001). The survey was conducted in six languages: German, Russian, Turkish, Polish, Arabic and English. This document reproduces the English instrument. Question and answers were translated for use in the telephone survey by infas Institute for Applied Social Sciences. Filters, interviewer instructions and all other information were translated at the DZA for documentation purposes. Interviews were conducted by bilingual interviewer

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