Protective effects of some cholinolytics in armine poisoning


Ispitan je zaštitni efekat 9 holinolitika i jednog inhibitora holinacetilaze na miševima trovanim arminom. Zaštitni efekat kod 1 LD50 armina dobiven je s hidroksizinom, disipalorn i ponalidom. Antrenil i atropin metilnitrat u kombinaciji sa piridin aldoksim methloridom (PAM-2 CI) spasili su 50% tretiranih životinja od 4 LD50 armina, aturban i PAM-2 CI od 8 LD50 otrova.Nine cholinolytics and one choline aoetylase inhiihitor (Morin) have been examined as potential protecting agents against armine poisoning. Only Hydroxyzine, Disipal and Ponalid were found to protect mice against one LD50 of armine. In combination with pyridine 2-aldoxime methchloride (PAM-2-Cl) the best effect was found with Aturban, which protected 50 per cent of mice against 4 mg/kg of armine (X LD50). The quaternary cholinolytics Antrenyl and atropine, combined with PAM-2-Cl, protected about 50 per cent of animals against 4 X LD50 of armine, similarly to a combination of central cholinolytics. Tropenzylium and Hydroxyzine. Other cholinolytics showed weaker protective properties

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