Bibliografski opis ručno tiskanih knjiga sagledan je u komplementarnom odnosu općeg i pojedinačnog. Opći dio opisa zajednički je svim izdanjima jednog djela. S druge strane, pojedinačni dijelovi opisa svojstveni su pojedinačnim primjercima nekog djela. Posebni se bibliografski zapisi mogu izrađivati i za novi otisak, otisak i tiskarsku varijantu. Izdvojena su i analizirana pravila za opis starih omeđenih jedinica građe u skupinama 1, 4, 5 i 7. Pritom su najviše analizirane skupine 1 i 4 jer se u njima izdvaja najveći broj propisa ISBD-a za opis stare omeđene građe. Neka su pravila u pojedinim skupinama ISBD-a sagledana u odnosu na pravila prethodnih skupina. Posebna je pozornost posvećena redoslijedu izvora podataka koji se preuzimaju u opis. U radu se također ističu pojedinosti koje su značajne za opis starih omeđenih jedinica građe (transkripcija, kratice, dvostruka interpunkcija) koje su samo djelomično uključene u ISBD ili uopće nisu dio ISBD-a.The paper presents an overview of the bibliographic description of hand press books as seen and analyzed through a complementary relationship between the general and the specific. The general part of the description is common for all editions of an individual work. On the other hand, the specific part of the description is correlated to the particular copies of one work. Also, separate bibliographic descriptions could be created for different issues, impressions, and states of older monographic resources. The areas 1, 4, 5, and 7 of the bibliographic description are singled out and certain peculiarities of the stipulations regarding old monographic resources are analyzed. The most extensively analyzed areas are 1 and 4 since they contain the largest number of ISBD stipulations for the description of older monographic resources. In the analyses certain ISBD stipulations from one area were compared to the stipulations from other areas of bibliographic description. Special attention was given to the order of bibliographic data taken from the sources. In some cases the whole resource could be used as the prescribed source of information for all areas of bibliographic description. The peculiarities of older monographic resources such as transcription, abbreviations and double punctuation are also analyzed. They are only partially included, or in some cases not at all, in the consolidated edition of ISBD