
Background: Depression is one of the most common psychiatric illnesses among perimenopausal women. Currently, drug treatments for the disorder tend to have higher risks than other forms of treatment. On the contrary, aerobic exercise can effectively relieve menopausal syndrome among perimenopausal women. Square dance, a kind of aerobic exercise favored by middle-aged women in China, could be a beneficial intervention for perimenopausal depression. Subjects and methods: A total of 321 women in perimenopause were chosen from Nangang Community, DaoLi Community, and Daowai Community in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, from September 2015 through April 2016. Of the women with depressive symptoms, 60 did not participate in square dance. The subjects were randomly assigned to the intervention group (n=26) and control group (n=24). Intervention group patients participated in guided square dance exercise 60-90 min at least 5 times per week at a regular time for 3 months. The women in the control group received no intervention. Results: Of the screened subjects, 72 women (22.4%) suffered mild to severe depression; younger, working married women who square danced regularly presented a low depression rate (p<0.05). The depression index score of the intervention group after three months was 0.43±0.09, a statistically significant decrease (t=5.658, p<0.001). The difference in the depression index changes of the intervention and control group was also significant (t=5.407, p<0.001). Conclusion: The depression rate among women in perimenopause is high. Some intervention measures, such as promoting female employment, organizing collective activities for retired or unemployed women, and stabilizing family ties can prevent or improve the depression of women in perimenopause. Square dance can effectively reduce the depression levels of women in perimenopause

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