Concentration of the δ-amino-levulinic acid (δ - ALA) in a single urine specimen in occupational lead exposure


Kod grupe od 50 radnika Tvornice olovnih akumulatora izvršena je analiza δ-aminolevulinske kiseline (DALK) u jednokratnom uzorku urina prije i poslije rada. Rezultati su uspoređeni s koncentracijom DALK iz 24-satnog uzorka. Koncentracije δ-aminolevulinske kiseline u jednokratnom uzorku bile su više ili niže od koncentracija iz 24-satnog uzorka. Međutim, statističkom analizom pomoću koeficijenata korelacije uvedeno je da su te dvije vrijednosti u korelaciji (r - prije posla = 0,65 r - poslije posla = 0,73). Zbog toga se dopušta za terensku praksu određivanje δ-aminolevulinske kiseline u jednokratnom uzorku urina.In a group of 50 workers of a storage battery plant analysis was made of the δ-amino-Ievulinic acid (δ-ALA) in a single urine specimen .taken before and after work. The results were compared with the δ-ALA concentration in a 24-hour specimen. The δ-ALA concentrations in the single urine specimen were either higher or lower than the concentrations in the 24-hour specimen. Statistical analysis however showed a good correlation between these two values (r-before work = 0,65, r-after work = 0,73). In view of this, the δ-ALA determination in the single urine specimen is acceptable for field practice

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