Laser Ranging Interferometry for Future Gravity Missions : Instrument Design, Link Acquisition and Data Calibration


The presented study aims to improve the design solution adopted for the Laser Ranging Instrument of the GRACE Follow-On mission in terms of instrument layout, algorithms for the laser link acquisition and techniques for mitigating the range measurement noise. The first part of this work describes viable layout solutions of a heterodyne interferometer employed for intra-satellite range metrology and the major noise contributions which degrade the overall accuracy of the instrument. Together with the optical layout of the instrument, novel design concepts of the instrumenta s subsystems are also analyzed and tested. Precisely, a phasemeter designed to autonomously acquire and track a heterodyne signal with low signal-to-noise ratio in a frequency band that spans from 1MHz to 25MHz is presented. Particular attention is also dedicated to the mathematical modeling of the steering mirror dynamics and to the enhancement of its pointing performance by means of feedforward control. In the second part of this work, solutions for autonomously acquiring a laser signal buried in noise are analyzed and put in relation with the boundary constraints of the acquisition problem. The acquisition algorithms presented and the robustness of their design is verified mainly using numerical simulations. Experimental tests have also been performed for validating the simulation hypothesis and verifying their compliancy to a realistic mission scenario. The last part of this work describes a calibration algorithm which has been developed for minimizing, during data post-processing, the noise due to the tilt-to-piston coupling which represents one of the highest contributors to the overall measurement noise

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